Microsoft Chairman Mr. Bill Gates who is worlds richest man and who is making most of his revenue from his company Microsoft Corporation.  He made his home with a Million dollars.  So I want show some of the pictures of his home here :

According to Wikipedia :

The house is a modern design in the pacific lofge style, with classic features such as a large privare library and a domed reading room.  The house occupies 50,000 square feet on a 5.15 acre lot.  Garage space and out buildings may occupy an additional 16,000 square feet.  Property records indicate eight bedrooms and four building levels.  According to King Country public records, as of 2005, the total assessed value of the property (land and house) is $135,758,168 and the annual property tax for 2006 is $1,012,321.  The lot was purchased in Decenber 1988 for $2 million, and construction occured over a period of sevenand a half years with normal completion in 1995.  The house is located on the east of the lot, which is located on a hill.

Address of the Mansion :

73rd Ave NE,
WA 98039.

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